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Not our father's fatherhood.

For us a Norman Rockwell portrait of the American dad conjures up nostalgia for our cultural role rather than a true reflection of ourlselves today. Fathers aren't so ideally defined as they once may have been. Culturally, the classic father role for the stay at home dad or the dual income equal responsibility parent figure or the divorced single father seems more myth than attainable or even desireable. The road isn't as clearly laid out for us. We don't tell ourselves "this is the way dad did it" as justification or for comfort. We try on different hats, sometimes out of necessity, and we take on more responsibilities than just bread winner. Of course the rewards we get make it all worth it. The time we invest in our children can come back to us sometimes as regret other times as joy and in measures many times that of the efforts we apply. Even among ourselves we will disagree with the solutions we seek for our families, however, this site focuses on the most important fact we four agree on, that we put in the effort for it its the measure of ourselves as fathers.

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