Personal Reviews (not endorsements)


Product Type:




Wooden Train Table

Imaginarium Classic Train Table

Toys R Us



I purchased this train set for Dylan this past Christmas. Whenever we took a trip to Toys ‘R’ Us he would immediately make a beeline to the Thomas the Train wooden table that is set-up for the children to play with. This one is under thick glass like the Mona Lisa and hoisted about 3 feet off the ground but easily accessible when Dylan asked kindly to be lifted up so he could see it.
It comes with Over 100 pieces and 23 feet of track are included as well as the following wooden accessories: 4 people, 4 street signs, 7 trees, 4 street lamps, 1 helicopter, 1 truck, 1 car, 8 train cars, and 12 pieces of cargo, two large built-on drawers. Six button cell batteries are required (included) and 4 AAA (not included).

This set is just as good as the more expensive Thomas the Train wooden one and comes with so much more. Dylan could not wait for me to get it together on Christmas morning. It took some time to assemble the table, but once that was done it was relatively easy to get the rest built and he was ready to play. All of Dylan’s Thomas wooden trains are compatible. It has now been almost 2 months since he first got it and he still finds tremendous amounts of enjoyment out of it. If you have a son or daughter who is into trains then this table is a very good investment. I know Dylan will be playing with it for quite some time.


Product Type:




Baby Oral Care

Dr. Mom™ Gentle Vibrations Massager & Toothbrush

Summer Infant



I bought this for Georgia this past Christmas as a stocking stuffer, so my expectations were not really high at first. After reading reviews on Amazon and hearing how most children loved the brush, I thought I would give it a try. Georgia was just starting to show a real excitement for brushing her teeth before bed and I thought it would make it even more of a thrill because she could be just like Mommy. The overall quality of the brush is sub par and I would compare it to that of a Dollar store find or a bulk toy that you might give out in a kid's birthday party gift bag. I opened the battery compartment to find the battery connection was mangled and twisted. The store exchanged it without a problem or a receipt and the second brush's connection looked much better. Once the battery was installed, I was able to turn on the brush and see it in action. It was really nothing impressive. Though the vibration really does nothing for cleaning teeth, Georgia really loved it. I am sure that once the first battery or the motor dies (whichever comes first), we will end up just using it as a traditional brush and upgrade to a better quality “spin” toddler brush when she is a little older.


Product Type:




Powered Riding Toy

Dora the Explorer Power Wheels


$99-$399(depending on model)


This model is no longer available but this review is really for all power riders alike. Sarina was 3 when she got this toy and was very excited upon seeing it. That all changed the second she stepped on the gas. The sudden jerk and motor noise freaked her out and it sat in the garage for a year before she worked up the nerve to try it again. She enjoys it now and again for short periods of time (I've only had to recharge the battery once) and it probably wasn't worth the investment for us since she's starting to grow too big to fit in it for much longer. My biggest fear from all this is that she'll grow up to be as good a driver as her mother.


Product Type:









As with all current Disney films your best value comes packaged with a Blu-ray/DVD combo. This one's no exception and the quality of the Blu-ray image at 1080p is amazing. The plot is simple enough for Sarina to stay interested the first time around but so far repeated views aren't being requested which leads me to think that Pixar has fallen into a story pattern that she's already too familiar with. The adult plot line is so subtle it flies over her head but is quite touching and impactful for adults. This is probably why it deserves an Academy Award nomination. Extras are more interesting for adults or older children and fairly standard.